Meet Katie

Katie Friedman, PCC.

Katie spent the first 40 years of her life without a map to understand herself or her family. This affected the way she led others. Without clarity, all kinds of narratives were invented, or received to fill in the gaps. She had spent her life trying to do better, be better and try harder. Unsurprisingly, she had a pretty severe burn out aged 38 and left an executive leadership role in education.

Before and after burn out she had leadership coaching and therapy but neither coach nor therapist had any understanding of the huge role her different brain wiring was playing in her life. Even in the coaching and the therapeutic space she was trying to fit in and eventually working overtime to educate herself and them. 

She eventually chose to complete 162 hours of advanced ADHD coach training in addition to her initial coaching qualifications in order to serve her tribe effectively with coaching that fits them beautifully.

Watch Katie’s TEDx talk on ‘ADHD: Finding My Gold’. Katie shares her experience on ADHD, being an educator and then a leadership coach in order to unlock potential in others. But it was only when she discovered her brain was wired differently that she started to empower herself to take centre stage in her own life. This shift was life changing as it opened up possibilities that had previously not been imaginable.

Katie’s top character strengths.

Katie’s qualifications

  • 2021-2022
    Cert. Advanced ADHD Life Coaching

  • 2019 - 2020

    PG Cert. in personal and business Coaching

  • 2019

    165hrs Coach Training

  • 2009-2012

    Masters degree, Education.

Katie’s affiliations